Shooting local. Be more sustainable.

Local cast and crew can play an important role in implementing green production practices.

How we did this?

Hiring locally is a big decision, but there is many smaller choices you can make with a little guidance.

By hiring a local crew and cast, a film production can significantly reduce its carbon footprint by minimizing travel emissions and optimizing resource management. Local crew members and actors typically reside near the filming location, minimizing the need for long-distance travel. This reduces the carbon emissions associated with air travel or long road trips that would be required if crew members had to be brought in from distant locations.

Local crew members are often familiar with the area and can make more efficient use of local resources. They have knowledge of nearby suppliers, equipment rental companies, and sustainable service providers.

Work with local caterers who prioritize sustainable practices, such as using organic and locally sourced ingredients, minimizing food waste, and providing reusable or compostable utensils and containers. Encourage crew members to bring their reusable water bottles and coffee mugs to minimize single-use plastic waste.

For non-local crew members, choose accomodation as close to the filming location. Encourage the use of public transportation or carpooling among the cast and crew to reduce carbon emissions.

Encourage the use of eco-friendly and sustainable products for set construction, props, and costumes. Whenever possible, choose materials that are recycled, recyclable, or made from renewable resources.

CO₂ facts

The Hot Stuff shooting emitted in 4 shooting days

-> 1,03t of CO₂e

Per day we emitted 257,5 kg. This is

-> 1942,5 kg below the average ad shooting.

However, travel & transport was with 742,2 kg and 72% the biggest issuer of the production.